I just got back the first ever showing of a Tommy Robot cartoon on the BIG SCREEN!
"Robot Monkey Safari" was part of this year's Rumschpringe film festival in Lancaster, Pennsylvania. This is the first time I entered a film festival, and I am honored to be a part of Rumschpringe.
All day long, my nerves were surprisingly calm as I looked forward to the show. But when those theater lights dimmed and the big screen started to flicker, I started to get excited. I thought, how cool is this? My cartoon is gonna be shown in a movie theater to a film going audience for the VERY FIRST TIME! Five months of anticipation leading up to this moment!
Then, as the title of my cartoon panned across the screen, the nerves and sweaty palms hit me.
I didn't have a breakdown or anything. Actually, it all went very well I thought. I received my big payoff seeing my creation larger than life, warts and all. Got a few chuckles from the audience and a nice applause at the end. In all, not bad for someone has been animating for only a year with no formal training.
If you were there in the audience, thanks for generosity by giving me five minutes of your time. Thanks to everyone involved with Rumschpringe, especially to Michael Hoober whose hard work and sacrifice put the whole thing together.
You gave me an experience that I will never forget!
Ron Good
April 9, 2009